The Use Of Affiliate Marketing

Lots of people looking to start a business will consider using affiliate marketing and most will use it, infact for 99% of people, this is the way they get started with their business. Affiliate marketing can be a method to advertising a product or service, by using an existing audience to do so. (2021).

There are three different parts of the affiliate relationship, these are the merchant, the affiliate and the consumer. The merchant is the person that will be selling the product, the affiliate is the person that the merchant will be trying to get the product endorsed by (such as a gaming live streamer) and the consumer is the person that will be might potentially want to use the product by watching a livestream from the affiliate for example. 

 In gaming there are a number of ways the game can be advertised, this can be through live streams that are being reviewed by the content creator on live streaming platforms such as YouTube or Twitch. It is better to have these streamers all streaming at the same time as concurrency is a vital way to promote your product through streaming channels. The cost of this does differ by how many people are watching the live stream at that one time, larger affiliates may also require you to make a payment upfront to cover the game on there channel(s).



Neil Patel. 2021. Affiliate Marketing Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide. [online] Available at: <https:"" what-is-affiliate-marketing=""> [Accessed 24 April 2021].</https:>

<https:"" what-is-affiliate-marketing=""> 2021. [online] Available at: <https:"" blog="" affiliate-marketing=""> [Accessed 25 April 2021].</https:></https:>

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