Mobile Marketing Techniques

Mobile Marketing is becoming more important due to more people spending more amounts of time on there mobile device than ever before. So therefore  mobile marketing techniques will need to be considered when developing games (especially mobile games). (What Is Mobile Marketing & Why Does it Matter So Much?, 2021).

One mobile marketing technique that can be used is to ensure that your site that the game can be viewed on is mobile-friendly.  It is becoming more common for people to browse on there mobile phone rather than a desktop, so having the site mobile-friendly will allow more users to engage on the site than if it was only desktop friendly. (14 Mobile Marketing Tips That Drive Leads and Sales, 2021).

Another mobile marketing technique that can be used is to have in-app display adverts in your game so that when the advert pops up when the user is playing the game it will directly take them to the app store on there mobile device so that they can decide to download it or not. This can be an effective way of getting more people to play your game (mainly applies to mobile games). (The Ultimate Guide to Mobile Advertising, 2021).

BIBLIOGRAPHY 2021. What Is Mobile Marketing & Why Does it Matter So Much?. [online] Available at: <https:"" blog="" ws="" 2013="" 08="" 19="" what-is-mobile-marketing=""> [Accessed 16 April 2021].</https:>

<https:"" blog="" ws="" 2013="" 08="" 19="" what-is-mobile-marketing="">Neil Patel. 2021. 14 Mobile Marketing Tips That Drive Leads and Sales. [online] Available at: <https:"" blog="" 14-mobile-marketing-tips-to-drive-leads-and-sales=""> [Accessed 16 April 2021].</https:></https:>

<https:"" blog="" ws="" 2013="" 08="" 19="" what-is-mobile-marketing="">Single Grain. 2021. The Ultimate Guide to Mobile Advertising. [online] Available at: <https:"" blog-posts="" mobile="" the-ultimate-guide-to-mobile-advertising-hub=""> [Accessed 16 April 2021].</https:></https:>

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